House Cash Now is able to assist individuals going thru almost ANY situation. No matter what your reason is, we are willing to discuss your options with you.
TOP Reasons to SELL
Some clients come to us because they are facing foreclosure and want to avoid the black mark on their credit as well as losing everything they have worked so hard for. Many of Americans are going thru this every day by themselves. We are here to assist families like you who deserve a way out. The government
When a foreclosure is coming fast, one of the most popular and effective strategies is to do a shortsale. This sells your home and avoids foreclosure. While this method does work, not all short sales close. When they don’t close, the home goes into foreclosure and the homeowner is left with out of pocket expenses AND goes into foreclosure. We buy homes in 7 days or less and can cut out Foreclosures and Short Sales altogether.
When a married couple is going thru a divorce, things can get edgy. While going thru this hard time, homes sometime need to be sold. Sometimes it is better to sell and move on instead of holding on to negative memories, extra expenses, taxes, etc. We can buy your house cash if you need to sell ASAP!
Inhereted a home that is more trouble than it is worth? When a loved one or friend passes away, we want to celebrate their life while remembering the legacy that they left. Sometimes the expenses of owning an inhereted home become to much and we need to realize that after we sell the home, we still have the memories. Contact us to talk about it and release your burdons.
When a rental property goes bad, sometimes it goes REALLY bad. After the lawyers, court, expenses and hassle, we are left with some pocket cash and MAJOR repairs. When your situation does not allow time or the full amount of funding for renovations, selling the property and cutting your losses is another solution. We buy houses without requiring any repair from you. Contact us to sell your house today!
Many people relocate for reasons like new employment, being stationed somewhere else, medical reasons, etc. When you relocate, the house your leaving behind sometimes isn’t worth the time to fix up. Move forward instead of backward and let House Cash Now buy your home in cash. If you are thinking “I need to sell my house now”, we should be the next thought.
Settle An Estate
Did you lose a family member or close friend? Now that you have a house and have no need for it, sell it to get cash in your hand.
If you are considering bankruptcy and things aren’t going your way, we want to talk to you. We will buy your house in cash and get you back on your feet.
We Distressed Homes and Properties
If you have ever seen an of those boarded up distressed homes, we WANT to TALK to YOU! Those houses are what we look for on an every day basis. We offer money to the owners at a price that they can live with and we can live with. We rehab the homes and sell them or fix them up and rent them to families that need a home.
For anybody considered to be a “hoarder” or for families of hoarders, we want to help. We will buy the home WITH or WITHOUT the items removed and with NO REPAIRS or CLEANING required. If you just want to walk out of the house and leave everything behind, we will take care of the rest AND pay you CASH!